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July New Release - Chia

Title: Chia
Subtitle: The Complete Guide to
 the Ultimate Superfood

Author/s: Wayne Coates

RRP: $18.99

ISBN: 9781402799433

Format:  Paperback, 192 pages
Dimensions: 203mm x 178mm

Publisher: Sterling Publishing

Aust. Release Date:  July 2012

Book Description/Synopsis:
For people trying to lose weight and enhance well-being, it's a little miracle: chia, a tiny seed that the Aztecs used for centuries as a super food, provides a complete source of dietary protein with more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon and more fibre - but fewer carbs - than rice, grains and corn. In fact, chia is a gluten-free natural appetite suppressant that helps regenerate muscle, sustain energy and balance blood sugar. This definitive work covers the history and benefits of chia and features a comprehensive daily strategy for weight loss, plus delicious recipes!


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