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August New Release - Fashion in Pictures

Title: Fashion in Pictures

RRP: $14.99

ISBN: 9781907708329

Format:  Paperback, 300 pages
Dimensions: 165mm x 165mm

Publisher: Ammonite Press

Aust. Release Date:August 2012

Book Description/Synopsis:
Catwalk, studio and fashion-shoot photographs reflect the real-life social changes and attitudes that brought about the look of what we wore, and wear – from the bustles and heavy tightly-laced corsets of the Victorian era, through the softer, more fluid lines and brighter colours of the Edwardian period, to the scandalously short skirts and boyish look of the 1920s; from the austerity of the 1930s and conservative ration-driven outfits of the war years to the opulent materials, narrow waists and swirling skirts of the 1950s; from the non-conformist hippy styles of the 'Swinging Sixties', through the outlandish disco-inspired horrors of the 1970s, to the broad-shouldered business chic of the 1980s; from the starkly simple minimalist styles of the 1990s to the more colourful, softer, more feminine clothes of the present day.


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