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August New Release - How to Repair Your Scooter

Title: How to Repair Your Scooter
Series: Motorbooks Workshop
Author/s: James Manning Michels

RRP: $34.99

ISBN: 9780760339862

Format:  Paperback, 176 pages
Dimensions: 210mm x 270mm

Publisher: Motorbooks International

Aust. Release Date:  August 2012

Book Description/Synopsis:
Petrol prices go up and down, but mostly up, and that trend is unlikely to change any time soon. To win the battle at the petrol pump, more and more commuters and recreational riders are turning to motor scooters. Though scooters are entertaining to ride and provide accessible, economical mobility, they do have specific maintenance requirements and repair procedures to keep them on the road. How to Repair Your Scooter provides step-by-step instruction for repairing and maintaining each of the scooter's various mechanical systems. With extensive projects for repairing and maintaining both two- and four-stroke scooters as well as detailed troubleshooting guides, this book is an essential component of any scooter rider's tool kit.


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