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August New Release - LogoLounge 7

Title: LogoLounge 7
Subtitle: 2,000 International Identities 
 by Leading Designers
Author/s: Bill Gardner and Anne Hellman

RRP: $69.99

ISBN: 9780760342473

Format:  Hardback, 192 pages
Dimensions: 279mm x 229mm

Publisher: Rockport Publishers

Aust. Release Date:  August 2012

Book Description/Synopsis:
This celebratory book, the seventh in the series, once again pays tribute to the brilliant work top designers around the world have created for a diverse clientele. The LogoLounge website ( showcases the work of the world’s top designers as well as up-and-coming new talent, and this book presents the site’s best designs of the past year as judged by an elite group of name-brand designers. The first portion of LogoLounge 7 profiles ten top designers and spotlights their biggest, newest campaigns. A handful of their smaller projects are also featured in this section along with unused logos that have never before been seen. The second half of the book contains almost 2,000 logos organised by visual categories.


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