Title: Miaow!
Subtitle:Cats Really Are Nicer
Than People!
Author/s: Sir Patrick Moore
RRP: $15.99
ISBN: 9781845844356
Format: Paperback, 64 pages
Dimensions: 220mm x 170mm
Publisher: Hubble & Hattie
Aust. Release Date: August 2012
Book Description/Synopsis:
This little book is about cats; cats of all
shapes, sizes and colours, and specifically about those that have shared their
lives with the great and well-respected astronomer Sir Patrick Moore over a
lifetime of 80 years. This is Patrick's very personal account of the cats who
have been part of his family, beginning with Bonnie who died at the grand old
age of twenty through to Jeannie and Ptolemy, the two beloved felines that he
lives with currently. The fascinating and engross ing
text is complemented by personal photographs of Sir Patrick, his adored mother,
Gertrude (also a cat-lover), and the many cats that have filled Patrick's life
with love and companionship.
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