Title: The Civil War
Anniversary Quilts
Subtitle: 150 Blocks to
Commemorate 150
Author/s: Rosemary Youngs
RRP: $29.99
ISBN: 9781440218712
Format: Paperback, 288 pages
Dimensions: 203mm x 203mm
Publisher: Krause
Aust. Release Date: July 2012
Book Description/Synopsis:
The year 2011 marks 150 years from the start
of the American Civil War. For the next several years Americans will be
honoring the battles, the people and the events that shaped that nation in so
many ways. Rosemary Youngs is commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil
War with a new book featuring 150 blocks. Mixing traditional blocks with
original new blocks designs, Rosemary brings to "The Civil War Anniversary
Quilts" all the things that readers of her first books loved: accurate
instruction, compelling diary entries and letters, stirring images and amazing
quilts. Each of the three main sections of the book will feature historical
documents from diary entries, to correspondence, to tell the story of the quilt
and blocks in that section.
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