Title: Shojo
Fashion Manga
Art School
Subtitle: Draw
Modern Looks
Author/s: Irene
Flores & Krisanne McSpadden
RRP: $24.99
ISBN: 9781440310805
Format: Paperback, 144 pages
Dimensions: 276mm x 210mm
Publisher: North
Light Books
Aust. Release Date: July 2012
Book Description/Synopsis:
Shojo Fashion
Manga Art
Year 2 shows beginning and
intermediate artists how to dress and accessorise their shojo characters in
stylish clothes and accessories to fit any occasion. Readers find modern looks
and fashions for all the classic shojo graphic novel themes such as high school
romances, complex dramas, stories about friendship and sweet comedies. Starting
with basics like materials (primarily pencil and ink), colour, movement, lines
and shading, the book then covers casual styles, school clothes, work attire,
glamorous fancy dress and seasonal/situational looks. Loaded with techniques
and tips from an exciting young artist and writer with a fresh style, this book
includes great step-by-step instruction from initial lines to black and white
inked illustration to finished art in colour.
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